LAAM Grupp was established in the beginning of 2013 as a company specialized in real estate services by four businessmen with long-term experience in real estate and consultancy.
LAAM Real Estate was established in the beginning of 2013 as a company specialized in real estate services and development.
The company is owned and managed by Aivar Villemson and Mart Saa.
Aivar Villemson is a real estate entrepreneur with a long-time experience and has been a pioneer in boosting the quality of service as well as introducing innovative solutions.
According to Aivar, constant improvement and monitoring the developments is the key to remain one step ahead of the rest. The experience Aivar has gathered over the years on real estate development and energy efficiency can be considered tremendous, as he was one of the first to introduce the concept of energy-efficiency into real estate planning and projects.
On the topic of developing residential real estate, Aivar has organized various work shops and architectural competitions, providing architects with the initial tasks of the vision to to compile the best possible plans. Following his fully-developed sales plan, many excellent new residential areas big and small have been successfully developed. In 2003, Aivar Villemson was selected by Äripäev, the sole business news magazine in Estonia, to be the most reputable real estate agent in Estonia.
Mart Saa has long-term experience in real estate, he has been the CEO of several important real estate companies; the CEO of ERI Kinnisvara, member of the Board of Rotermann Eesti and the CEO of Arco Vara Kinnisvarabüroo.
In addition to a long professional career, Mart has also always been an innovator and a leader in his field. Mart was one of the first to obtain a real estate agent certificate in 1999 and he has continuously renewed it, most recently in 2019. Mart has served as a member of the Board for the Estonian Association of Real Estate Companies for years and is currently serving as well. In addition, Mart was selected by the Estonian Association of Real Estate Companies (i.e. by colleagues) to be the Agent of the Year in 2003.
In 2020 and in 2021, LAAM Real Estate was awarded the Äripäev TOP certificate.